其他沙漠城市,以离开洛杉矶的 I-10 高速公路上的一个著名标志命名,是一个创意工坊。正如它的名字所暗示的那样,里面潜伏着许多奇怪而奇妙的东西。凭借六种算法,每种算法都有自己独特的个性和广泛的调制能力,Other Desert Cities 可以填补多个细分市场,从基本的立体声双延迟到前所未闻的粒状音高转换混乱。


01 – 沙漠海岸立体声延迟。这是一个标准的双延迟,具有基本的均衡器、饱和度、交叉馈送和扩展。
02 – 麦加反向延迟。正常的双重延迟,除了重复播放向后。
03 – 仙人掌双三角延迟。这更像是一对使用中的磁带延迟,具有单独的速度控制和音高量化。
04 – 热多抽头延迟。双重多抽头,具有扩展、交叉馈送和基本均衡器。
05 – Mirage 多头延迟。想象一下,如果您有磁带延迟,但磁头就像 VCR 中的旋转磁头。实验性的,奇怪的,美妙的。
06 – Sky Valley 颗粒延迟。音高变化的颗粒延迟,可控制颗粒大小和散射,并带有 EQ。


其他沙漠城市包括一整套调制。使用两个速度同步的可变波形 LFO 和一个由主输入或侧链输入提供的包络跟随器,几乎整个用户界面中的每个控件都可以进行广泛调制,从而开辟了声音可能性的新维度。


其他沙漠城市还包括一个扩散器,用于“涂抹”反馈路径,并使 ODC 接近混响领域(尤其是使用 Thermal 多次抽头算法。)


其他沙漠城市的秘密超级大国是其 I/O 控制。信号链增益结构的每个方面都可以控制和调制。您不必希望在这种延迟中回避。任何东西都可以随心所欲地躲避、平移、振荡、包围和控制。请注意,静音和输入电平控件是延迟模块的输入电平,不会影响干信号;这启用了“tails”行为,以及使用插入效果(如发送)的能力。


跨平台的基于 XML 的预设管理器。
支持 Hi-Dpi/Retina 的可调整大小的用户界面。

> 分配给 Mix 和 Regen 旋钮的调制没有调制。现在它进行调制。
> 许多小错误修复和优化。
> 至少打开一次 v1.0.9 后,在 ODC Presets 文件夹的根目录下会出现一个名为“odc_settings.txt”的文件。设置列表中的最后一项是 openGLmode=”1″。如果您的 ODC 副本打开到空白面板但可以正常工作,您可以将 1 更改为 0 并重新实例化 ODC,它应该可以正常工作。 (这会关闭 OpenGL 渲染。)ODC 现在还保存您最后的 UI 大小。每次调整插件窗口的大小时,它都会存储在此文件中,下次实例化时,它将是那个大小。

> LINUX 用户请注意!!!
版本 1.0.7 和 1.0.9 是针对比 Ubuntu 18 中包含的更高版本的 glibc 构建的。我们在 1.0.9 的过程后期才意识到这个错误,并且无法修复它。 v1.0.10 将针对 Ubuntu 18 构建,这应该可以缓解一些用户遇到的问题。为此表示歉意。我们犯了nOOb错误。

Other Desert Cities, named after a famous sign on the I-10 highway leaving Los Angeles, is a workshop for creativity. As its namesake implies, there are many strange and wonderful things lurking inside. With six algorithms, each with its own unique personality, and extensive modulation capabilities, Other Desert Cities can fill multiple niches, from basic stereo dual delays to never-before-heard granular pitch-shifting chaos.


01 – Desert Shores Stereo Delay. This is a standard dual delay, with basic EQ, saturation, crossfeed, and spread.
02 – Mecca Reverse Delay. A normal dual delay, except the repeats play backwards.
03 – Cactus Dual-Delta Delay. This is more like a pair of tape delays in use, with individual speed controls and pitch quantizing.
04 – Thermal Mullti-Tap Delay. A dual multi-tap, with spread, crossfeed, and basic EQ.
05 – Mirage Multi-Head Delay. Imagine if you had a tape delay, but the head was like the rotating head in a VCR. Experimental, strange, and wonderful.
06 – Sky Valley Granular Delay. A pitch-shifting granular delay, with control over grain size and scatter, and with EQ.


Other Desert Cities includes a full suite of modulation. Using two tempo-synced variable waveshape LFOs and an envelope follower sourced by either the main inputs or a sidechain input, nearly every control in the entire user interface can be modulated extensively, opening up new dimensions of sonic possibility.


Other Desert Cities also includes a diffusor, for “smearing” the feedback path, and bringing ODC near the realm of reverb (especially with the Thermal multi-tap algorithm.)


Other Desert Cities’ secret superpower is its I/O control. Every aspect of the signal chain’s gain structure can be controlled and modulated. You don’t have to wish for ducking in this delay. Anything can be ducked, panned, oscillated, enveloped, and controlled to your heart’s content. Note that the Mute and Input Level controls are input levels to the delay block and do not affect the dry signal; this enables “tails” behavior, and the ability to use an insert effect like a send.


Cross-platform XML-based preset manager.
Hi-Dpi/Retina capable resizable user interface.

> Modulation assigned to the Mix and Regen knobs did not modulate. Now it modulates.
> Many small bug fixes and optimizations.
> After you have opened v1.0.9 at least once, there will be a file named “odc_settings.txt” in the root of the ODC Presets folder. The last entry in the settings list is openGLmode=”1″. If your copy of ODC opens to a blank panel but otherwise works, you can change the 1 to a 0 and re-instance ODC, and it should be working. (This turns off OpenGL rendering.) ODC also saves your last UI size now. Every time you resize the plugin window, it is stored in this file, and the nexxt time you instance, it will be that size.

Versions 1.0.7 and 1.0.9 are built against a later glibc than is included in Ubuntu 18. We were made aware of this error late in the process for 1.0.9, and were not able to remedy it. v1.0.10 will be built against Ubuntu 18, and this should alleviate the problems that some users are experiencing. Sorry about this. nOOb mistake on our part.
