传奇的三角钢琴 – 现在是虚拟乐器!
Galaxy Instruments 发布了 Galaxy Vintage D,这是一款虚拟三角钢琴,基于 Bauer Studios 著名的 1920 年音乐会三角钢琴样本,该三角钢琴曾用于传奇录音。 这架非凡的三角钢琴于 1920 年在汉堡的一家德国工厂制造。 在过去近 100 年里,它已经实现了深刻而亲密的性格和优美、歌唱的音色。

一些最好的钢琴家用这种乐器录制了传奇专辑,其中包括 Keith Jarrett、Chick Corea、Carla Bley、Guillermo 和 Gonzalo Rubalcaba、Abdullah Ibrahim、Wolfgang Dauner、John Taylor 等。 里奇·贝拉赫 (Richie Beirach) 称其为“世界上最好的钢琴”。

Neumann U47 和 KM53 麦克风、旧西门子电子管前置放大器或 Bauer 工作室的 Neve 控制台等“传奇”都被用来捕捉这种特殊乐器的个性化、温暖的声音表达。

Galaxy Instruments 现已将这款传奇钢琴作为虚拟乐器发布。
Galaxy Vintage D 配备了新的 Kontakt 引擎,提供更多功能、更好的性能、无损样本压缩和专为 Galaxy Pianos 设计的全新用户界面。

更多 GUI 屏幕截图

– 基于 Bauer Studios 1920 年音乐会三角钢琴的样本,收录于传奇唱片中
– 13 个建模速度区域,提供宽广且平滑的动态范围
– 色彩映射
– 超过 2000 个 24 位、10GB 样本(样本压缩为 5GB)
– 半音阶和多速度共振和释放样本
– 多速踏板、制音器、锤子和琴弦噪音
– 真正的乌拉索样品
– 真实的泛音
– 由 Kontakt Player 引擎提供支持
– 新的直接访问用户界面
– 无损样本压缩以获得更好的磁盘流
– 使用连续延音踏板时真正的半踏板
– 真正的重复和延音
– 可调节踏板、琴槌、制音器和琴弦噪音
– 踏板和制音器噪音可通过连续延音踏板动态播放
– 可调节盖子位置
– 一键控制音色和力度
– 智能均衡器带来温暖、冲击力和光彩
– 具有真实泛音的交感弦共鸣
– 灵活且易于使用的速度编辑器
– 卷积混响与许多不同类型的房间、音乐厅和氛围
– 可调节立体声宽度和位置
– 专门为流行钢琴声音设计的压缩器
– 垫机


最低要求 Kontakt Player 或 FULL Kontakt 版本 5.8.0 及更高版本!

1.5 版本的所有文件均由开发者于 2020 年 4 月创建。
不要要求“仅更新”包/补丁 – 它不存在!


A legendary grand piano – now a virtual instrument!
Galaxy Instruments released Galaxy Vintage D, a virtual grand piano that is based on samples of Bauer Studios’ famous 1920 concert grand, which has served for legendary recordings. This exceptional grand piano was built in 1920 in a German factory in Hamburg. Over the last almost 100 years it has achieved a deep and intimate character and a beautiful, singing tone.

Some of the best pianists recorded legendary albums on this instrument, among them Keith Jarrett, Chick Corea, Carla Bley, Guillermo and Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Abdullah Ibrahim, Wolfgang Dauner, John Taylor and many others. Richie Beirach called it ‘the best piano in the world’.

“Legends” like Neumann U47 and KM53 Mikrophones, old Siemens Tube-Preamps or the Neve Console at the Bauer Studios were used to capture the individual, warm sounding expression of this exceptional instrument.

Galaxy Instruments has now released this legendary piano as a virtual instrument.
Galaxy Vintage D is equipped with the new Kontakt engine offering more features, better performance, lossless sample compression and an all new user interface, designed specially for Galaxy Pianos.

More GUI Screenshots

Facts & Features
– Based on samples of Bauer Studios’ 1920 concert grand, featured in legendary recordings
– 13 modeled velocity zones for a wide and smooth dynamic range
– Chromatic mapping
– Over 2000 samples in 24Bit, 10GB (5GB with sample compression)
– Chromatic and multiple velocity resonance and release samples
– Multi-velocity pedal, damper, hammer and string noises
– Real una corda samples
– Real overtones
– Powered by Kontakt Player engine
– New direct access user interface
– Lossless sample compression for better disk streaming
– True half pedaling when using a continuous sustain pedal
– True repedaling and sostenuto
– Adjustable pedal, hammer, damper and string noises
– Pedal and damper noises dynamically playable with a continuous sustain pedal
– Adjustable lid positiion
– One-knob control of tone colour and dynamics
– Intelligent EQ for warmth, punch and brilliance
– Sympathetic string resonance with real overtones
– Flexible and easy-to-use velocity editor
– Convolution reverb with many different types of rooms, concert halls and ambience
– Adjustable stereo width and position
– Specially designed compressor for pop piano sounds
– Pad Machine

Minimum required Kontakt Player or FULL Kontakt version 5.8.0 and higher!
